Cori Johnson / COPY

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Conor asked his Mother, Joyce, to write his bio for him. The following are her words, unedited: Nothing about the man that Conor James Hagan has become is a surprise. Memories of the last thirty one years are replete with prescient snapshots of traits that would become defining. What was to become robust empathy and emotional connectivity was witnessed when a four month old Conor would begin to cry when his twin brother was upset. In fact life as a twin may have shaped much of Conor's "plays well with others" skills: sharing, reciprocity, and capacity for authentic listening were likely both inborn and enhanced by that special experience. Universally well liked everywhere he goes, his thoughtfulness and generosity of spirit have always been immediately appreciated.

Conor's quick wit and good humor has continued to grow since childhood. Shared with his brother, there was never a play date that didn't end with, "your boys are so polite and SO funny!!!".

A propensity to seek novelty and adventure was witnessed in so many ways. Family shopping trips regularly included the "where's Conor?" moment. As the other three children stayed close by, Conor would have wandered off to discover the wonders held throughout the store.

In a family professionally oriented toward health and human services, Conor's creative endeavors were at first puzzling. We eventually came to appreciate his inclination to bring home things left over from yard sales and then make them into something new and different. I recall his shock when young Conor saw me discarding a worn and Teflon-flaking frying pan. "You're not throwing that away are you?!" was proclaimed as if a family pet was being disposed of. The rescued frying pan was soon transformed into a beautiful kitchen clock.

Facility with expression, reflecting both mind and heart, has been enduring. Whether a note to the tooth fairy explaining why the tooth went missing, a message from summer camp, a postcard from vacation travels, or an unexpected thank-you note, Conor has consistently captured heartfelt experience in missives that have been treasured.

Conor has continued to embrace life with passion, energy, intelligence, kindness and generosity. No, none of it is a surprise.